Carissa Ching :D
who is 12 going 13
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West Spring Sec Sch :D
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title: Hi,
here some joke- Science teacher:Can anyone give me the formula for water? Dewey:Yes, it's H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O. Science teacher:Wrong. Dewey:How could could it be wrong? You told us yesterday it was H to O! HAHAS Kanga:Do you know why kangaroos get excited every four years? Roo: No why? Kanga: They can't wait for the lear year. What kind of mystery book dose owl like to read? Whoooo-Dunnits. How dose winnie the pooh walk? On his bear feet. Who is the most forgetful character in the Hundred-Ace Wood? Owl, because he's always asking, "Who? Who?" What kind of stories dose piglet like to read? Pig tales. What do you get when you cross pooh and a cow? Winnie the moo. What do you get when you cross pooh and a skunk? Winnie the p.u. I Pooh had a brother who looked just like him, what would he be called? Twinnie the pooh. What happens when owl gets laryngitis? He doesn't give a hoot. Where dose eyore go when he lose his tail? To the re-tail store. Who's the funniest charter in the Hunderd-Ace Wood? Owl-he's relly a hool! Mickey: How can you do so many goofy things in one day? Goofy: I get up early. HAHAS!!!! next time will post more joke if i can. BYEBYE |